The Cy210 self-propelled walk behind pressure washer comes standard on the SK and TR500 & TR5500. It can also be sold separately to used with any current pressure washing system. Utilizing the powerful Cyclone head the CY210 is able to recover water leaving the surface ready for use in minutes. With an 18 in (.46 m) cleaning path this walk behind pressure washer is ideal for driveways, walkways, sidewalks and smaller hard to reach areas. Because the CY210 is self-propelled and lightweight it is much easier to handle than other walk behind pressure washers on the market today.
Quickly connect to any existing pressure washing system with pressures up to 5500psi and temperatures up to 200°F to add the CYCLONE difference to your current cleaning system
Up to 10,000 ft² per hour per hour of environmentally friendly, chemical free cleaning with instant waste water recovery with out the use of a vacuum
Integrated LED headlight for high visibility improving production and consistency in dimly lit spaces and night time cleaning
Maneuverable self-propelled walk behind pressure washer designed to accommodate hard to reach areas increasing operator productivity and ease of use
Single pass cleaning to remove ground in dirt, heavy build up and surface stains efficiently, without damage to the surface.
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(832) 663-6280
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Waterjet Technologies, LLC
118 Vintage Park Blvd
Ste. W122
Houston, TX 77070
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